Double matt Erasable Film 95
Product number4522
Thickness110.00 µm
Double side coated, semi-transparent Polyester film for inkjet printers. The top coating is optimized for both, dye and Pigment inks and allows colour prints with sharp and uniform lines for architectural and engineering applications. The reverse coating has good writing and erasing properties for manual corrections. The Polyester base material is tear resistant and even in conditions with high humidity perfectly dimension stable.
At a glance
- Tear-resistant
- Dimensionally stable
- Semi-transparent
- Sharp and uniform lines
- Good writing properties
Physical data
NameValueToleranceNormNameThickness (film) [µm]Value110ToleranceNormISO 4593NameWeight [g/m²]Value130ToleranceNormISO 536NameOpacity [%]Value55ToleranceNormISO 2471
Finished Rolls
Width x LengthCoreNo. rolls / palletMin. quantity / orderNo. rolls / boxWidth x Length61.0 cm x 20 mCore2" øNo. rolls / pallet42Min. quantity / order42No. rolls / box1Width x Length91.4 cm x 20 mCore2" øNo. rolls / pallet42Min. quantity / order42No. rolls / box1Mill Reels
Width x LengthCoreNo. rolls / palletMin. quantity / orderWidth x Length92.8 cm x 4,400.0 mCore6" øNo. rolls / pallet1Min. quantity / order1Width x Length140.0 cm x 4,400.0 mCore6" øNo. rolls / pallet1Min. quantity / order1 -
General tips
Die Verarbeitung und Lagerung sollte idealerweise in einem Klima von 35 bis 65% relativer Luftfeuchtigkeit bei einer Temperatur von 10 bis 30°C erfolgen. In der Originalverpackung (Kartonschachtel und PE-Sack) aufbewahren. Beim Umgang mit Inkjet-beschichteten Materialien empfehlen wir Baumwollhandschuhe zu tragen, um Fingerabdrücke zu vermeiden.
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